Monday, January 10, 2011

Stardate 1012011

Greetings and welcome!

I will admit to three motivators (four if you include vanity) that have caused this blog to come into existence.

Firstly, I was keen to slightly address the imbalance of political opinion in the people's republic of New Zealand, second, I have greatly enjoyed regularly reading a number of other people's efforts over the years, and have finally decided that both the time and motivation are here for me to push my own little boat out onto the sea of published opinion.

Lastly, being a self confessed capitalist, I am curious to see if I can "monetize" this foray into new media.

My initial hypothesis is that above all else, readership is king. Presumably they key to readership is a combination of relevance, interest and a diet of regular new content. Out of curiosity I will post stats on readership and revenue (if any) on a regular basis.

Suggestions and guidance on how to advance those objectives will of course be greatly appreciated.

I also hope to have a bit of fun a generate screams of outrage from various lefties, greenies and other numpties, so bring it on, folks.


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